Kumar Karki, Chairman
I observed them scaling new heights to teach, empower and adorn young lives entrusted to their care. Sending out visionary leaders, contributors and innovators. I was inspired to be a part of this global mission. Which in the words of Martin Luther King was ‘to teach to think intensively and critically. To combine intelligence with character. Making it the goal of true education.
I look back to a journey of 12 years. It was 2010. The year Imperial World School rose with a dream, a vision. It was my personal dream. Having successfully facilitated higher studies abroad for students from Nepal, I was enabled to see some of the best academic institutions from around the world. I observed them scaling new heights to teach, empower and adorn young lives entrusted to their care. Sending out visionary leaders, contributors and innovators. I was inspired to be a part of this global mission. Which in the words of Martin Luther King was ‘to teach to think intensively and critically. To combine intelligence with character. Making it the goal of true education.’
Come 2010 and Imperial World School was born. But just 5 years down, the 2015 great earthquake burst into our lives causing tragic loss and uncertainty. We were made to seriously re-consider disaster preparedness and security for all in our care. I saw the need for a school building providing total safety for students and peace of mind for all guardians. IWS relocated. We began building an institution spread out on just one floor, completely seismic zone friendly and occupying center stage in some 80,000 square feet of space, with lush green and open courtyards, promising free reign to energetic minds and bodies.
But again, suddenly, a global pandemic tightened its grip worldwide and of course, Imperial World School was not immune. ‘Do not judge me by my success but judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.’ The spirit behind these words from Nelson Mandela kept us going. Finally, after the pandemic, when the world began rising up and coping with a new normal, IWS was ready. Students began pouring into a physical ambience designed for safety. But physical safety was just one of our commitments and concerns.
How do we prepare our students to be responsible and wise decision makers, visionary leaders propelled by a commitment to honesty, hard work and humanity, unafraid to embrace diversity and be different and finally, to be altruistic givers and contributors wherever they go? The IWS pedagogy is designed to meet this need and challenge. While academic achievement is supported and assigned a position of non-negotiable importance, our co-curriculum is woven with the richness of Global Citizenship Education. Something promoted strongly even by UNESCO. From learning the importance of spiritual quotient to participating in social inclusion, being informed of humanitarian catastrophes in history and becoming experts in the art of social conversation and etiquette, we believe students at IWS are well on the way to step out as empowered and responsible Global Citizens!
I invite you to join us as we march towards making our dream a reality. Our dream of seeing our children, our future, leading, with a rich legacy from the past, experiential learning from the present and a clear and bright hope for tomorrow!