The Foolish King

Samrat Jung Khatri
Once upon a time, there was a king in a kingdom who had a huge amount of gold. The king used the gold for everything in the kingdom. He made his castle and his royal dress of gold, and in the rest of the kingdom, he gave each citizen many kilos of gold. He was very famous around his kingdom because he was very wealthy and shared half of his wealth with his citizens. He was living a fully luxurious royal life, having everything he needed. Despite having so much wealth, he turned out to be very foolish and silly. He wasn’t wise enough to take care of his royal duties, so he hired a personal assistant to handle his official affairs.
On the other hand, the king’s father was a great leader who took care of his duties wisely, managed the condition of his kingdom well, and maintained strong relations with other nations to prevent wars and conflicts. He was known for his amazing skills and knowledge. He used his wealth for proper and genuine purposes. At the beginning of his reign, the kingdom wasn’t well- developed, so he responsibly handled the situation by using half of his wealth to upgrade and develop the cities and towns in his kingdom. He was a legend for his kingdom. The son, on the other hand, was making immature decisions that would probably lead to the end of the kingdom soon.
One day, the king was sleeping in his royal bed. He was dreaming of making his whole kingdom in the sky. It seemed he was very interested in making that project. He soon woke up from his dream and quickly called his royal engineers. He shared this idea and requested the engineers to make the whole kingdom in the sky by just using some sticks for support. His idea sounded crazy to the engineers, but they agreed to do it as he had offered them a generous amount of money. This project was risky, so the engineers requested the citizens to shift out of the kingdom. They built temporary tents for the citizens, and the innocent citizens happily moved out, thinking the king’s decision would be a great choice for the kingdom.
After several days passed, the kingdom was finally up in the sky with support from the sticks.Theking was really happy to see his kingdom up in the sky. The engineers had also built a very long staircase to reach that height. Now the project was fully completed, but soon, when the people were ready to get back into the kingdom, a huge hurricane appeared. Everyone went back to their tents, thinking it would be safer there. After the huge hurricane ended, they saw the whole kingdom on the ground, destroyed. The kingdom didn’t have any strong support, so the hurricane was able to push it to the ground and destroy it.
After the citizens realized that the king had destroyed many innocent people’s homes, they ran after the king to punish him for his stupid decision. They were very upset and angry with him, so the king was banished from the grounds.