The Talented Boy

Soyem Dongol
In the small town of Crestwood, Alex was known for his extraordinary talents. Whether it be playing breathtaking melodies with a piano or solving complex mathematical problems effortlessly, he seemed destined for greatness. However, a haunting fear lurked beneath the surface, threatening to shatter his dreams. As a child, Alex's parents had high expectations for him, showering him with praise for his achievements. Yet, even with a lot of talent and success, he thought he wasn’t good enough. He used to play the piano to the town of people and everyone was inspired by him.
Entering college he faced new challenges. Alex joined aprestigious music programme, but the competitive environment slowly started increasing his anxiety. The fear of not reaching up to his expectations made him feel more anxious. The performances he performed with passion started to sound bad. One day, a famous professional pianist visited the college for a masterclass. Alex, eager to prove himself, prepared rigorously. However, as he sat at the piano, his hands trembled, and the notes he played sounded unsatisfactory. The fear that had been lurking in the shadows now took center stage. He felt fear for the first time. The embarrassment was big and Alex's confidence shattered. After the performance he was consumed by self-doubt, he resigned from his music, abandoning the piano he always used to play. His academic performance suffered, and he distanced himself from friends who had once admired his talents. Alex was in depression wanting to never touch the piano or listen to any music. One day while walking he encountered his mentor, who encouraged him to confront and fight his deepest fear. All fired up again, Alex started a journey to fight his anxiety and to be better than he ever was. Alex practiced every day and became the best he was at the piano. He started embracing vulnerability, and he began to share his struggles with others, realizing that perfection wasn't the key to success. Slowly, he rediscovered the joy of playing the piano he once had. As Alex embraced his imperfections, his performances regained the awesome melody.
Everyone in the town witnessed a transformation, the prodigious, young talented man, once held back by fear, emerged stronger and more resilient. He had conquered his fear. Alex started gaining confidence and became one of the best pianists. His journey inspired all the aspiring musicians in the town.
Never let your fear hold you back. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.