Celebrating Deaf Culture and Heritage at Imperial World School

"A people without knowledge of their history and culture is like a tree without roots."-Marcus Garvey
With due respect to the more than 430 million strong Deaf Community worldwide, Imperial World School has yet again embarked on a new journey. The first milestone was laid on Friday, May 24th, when some 50 Deaf youth, Deaf educators and Deaf campus students assembled inside the Imperial World School auditorium. They learnt, they were reminded of and encouraged to respect a rich heritage, an identity. Deaf Culture and Deaf Art!
Many Deaf participants acknowledged experiencing a learning of this kind for the very first time. They requested continuity. And continuity is what Imperial World School is planning. Spread over a few months, it will be an in depth information sharing on the Deaf way of life from a cultural perspective. Covering Deaf social, philosophical, spiritual and professional aspects. All in Sign Language.
To promote social inclusivity and equity, Imperial World School plans to provide the same learning for Hearing students too. So our Hearing students are trained to view the Deaf Community as a linguistic and cultural minority to be acknowledged, respected and welcomed.