A Dragon Called Dark

Prabuddha Parajuli
During the times of cold and freezing nights, a void dragon lived, and his name was Dark. He was the only dragon known to modern mankind and the last of his kind. But Dark did not accept that statement. His identity hadn’t been seen by humans, but his figure or shadow had been seen by some adventurers.
The last dragon to be seen was Purple Glow, none other than the brother of Dark. He was shot down by a huge crossbow, which had an arrow dipped in snake venom. After that, rumors in the dragon world spread like a virus, about the fact that the last dragon was Purple Glow.
Purple Glow was told to take care of the egg from his mother before she was obliterated by a house-sized canon. A few years later, after Dark hatched out into the world, Purple Glow decided to protect him with his life.
One winter, a meeting was being held among the dragon hunters. “When is he going to come?” grunted one of the dragon hunters angrily. “He should be here any second. Wait, what is that?” The leader of the hunters was stopped by the huge gate rumbling, through which the Dragon Slayer came, all geared up with the weapons.
He came, sat down and said, “I heard that a wizard has a dragon egg, and so do we. But we should first kill the dragon, then we burn the eggs.” Then they kept on planning to make this hunt a better chance for success. Then one of the hunters said, “Why not have volunteers to distract that dragon?” Everyone thought it was a good idea to have a distraction, but unknown to them, an ice dragon had been listening the entire time and immediately went to alert the dragon.
The hunters took mountains of volunteers from the kingdom to be in the hunt. Not only that, but they were putting up posters too. Even without knowing Dark, the ice dragon knew who Purple Glow was. Soon, he arrived at the cave where Dark was, “Dark? Hello? Anybody here?” The ice dragon said anxiously. “Who are you? Why are you here?” Dark said a bit rudely. “Name’s Frost,” said the ice dragon. “Okay, what are you here for, Frost?” asked Dark. And Frost said, “I’m here to tell you that you aren’t the last of your kind; a wizard has the last eggs, but also the fact is that another egg is safely kept in the most dragon-hunting kingdom in the land.” “I knew it!” Shouted Dark excitedly but after hearing all the other things from Frost, Dark said, “They’re planning to kill me and then burn the eggs, into a crisp! Not happening! Absolutely not!” “Hey buddy,” said Frost to calm Dark down. “First, we need to make a plan, aye?” said Frost softly. “Okay,” said Dark deeply.
They made the plan, and Frost went to recruit four volunteers while Dark planned up the roles for them. A few days later, Frost came with Lightning, Fire, Blood, and the Sand Dragon. Their names were Energy, Nephrite, Wry, and Ember. Wry and Ember were said to fight and distract the group, Nephrite and Energy were said to fight against the dragon hunters, and Dark and Frost were going to find and save the two eggs and finish the slayer and the wizard once and for all.
The army came, and Dark came alone to surprise the army. “This is going to be… Oh, spoke too soon,” said the dragon slayer. And in a second, the other four dragons came flying towards the battlefield. The volunteers tried to distract them, but Wry and Ember showed them who the boss was. Energy and Nephrite obliterated everyone, and the two main characters searched for the eggs.
But all of a sudden, the wizard and the dragon slayer came out, but before they could take their shot, they got whacked by Frost and Dark’s tails. Dark went after the slayer, and Frost went after the wizard. The wizard tried to do some damage to Frost with his wand, but it did not work. He turned into ice from Frost’s breath, and so did the slayer, who turned into a dark cloud from Dark’s breath.
They found the eggs that had already hatched. Dark said, “They’ll repopulate the void dragons, and I know it!” and sobbed with happiness. It was only then that humans understood the benefits of dragons in this world; some even managed to ride them! Soon, Dragons were seen as animals fit to live with humans.