Strange New World

Agrata Budhathoki
"Wake up, eat, work, get back home, and repeat. "Wake up, eat, work, get back home, and repeat... Wake up, eat, work, home. what was it? WHAT WAS IT? Dammit! I need to stop thinking," thought Sammy. Shaking his head he looked into the mirror slapped himself thrice while facing his kitchen window at an almost perfect 90-degree angle - a weird habit he needed to do before heading out for work.
But this morning felt unusual. He had this strange feeling in his guts. As he walked out, he was hit by the warm sun right on his face. Sniff. "What the heck is that smell?" He immediately turned his head towards the smell only to be greeted by an outrageous creature straight out of a nightmare. It was his neighbor! The disgusting-looking creature had a human head - Mrs. Peterson - and a body covered with orange fur.
Sammy stumbled back a step or two. In his 36 years of life, he had never encountered such a grimy thing. "Heyy~ Mrrr. Jaamsee," the creature hissed. What is this, a zombie apocalypse? He did not know whether to be fascinated or run back to his house. He chose the latter. He quickly closed the door, gasping for air. "It is a dream haha. The party yesterday got to me," thought Sammy. The party had been held by the company he worked at. He was quite content with his life except - his family wasn't.
He headed towards his living room slowly, his mind was numb. He peered out the huge window. Looking down, it was a world turned mad. Every person, no, creature looked like some abominable half-human half-animal. He went to his bedroom to turn on the television. Every news channel was featuring the new hospital that had opened not less than 20 hours ago. This weird hospital seemed to fulfill one's wildest desires. He flicked over channels after channels, all featuring people in their true form, as they call it. He turned the TV off and decided to put his mind to rest.
30 minutes later, he got up to satisfy his hunger with a stale sandwich the only edible item in his fridge. He always preferred to dine out, which eventually seemed to have backfired as he now had to face either the world or the sandwich.
Sighing, he ate half the sandwich, saving the other half for later. Ring...Ring...Ring..., his landline was ringing. "Aye, Mr. James, why have you decided not to grace us with your presence? You could have at least informed ? Although I would excuse you if you have also taken upon your true self and needed to adapt!" said his assistant. Sammy stood still as Ada's manly voice rang in his ears. Clearing his voice, he muttered, "Oh Ada! Wh- What happened to your voice, might I ask?" "How unusual of you to say that, Mr. James! I accepted my true form, haven't you?" "N-no I have accepted it..." "You better not be lying and cowering in fear! You still have time, so go visit the clinic right this second and accept it! The ecstasy I felt after the treatment was the only way I could define heaven. I know you well,
Mr. James. It's for your good," with that the line cut off. He was the unusual one when all these people have been turning themselves into aliens? Ha.
After a few days of surviving with only water and scraps of food found around the house, he had convinced himself that enough was enough. This was his true self and no one could deny that fact! Taking a deep breath, he was ready to do his morning ritual of slapping himself thrice, and an extra one for an extra ounce of luck. Today he wore his special suit, which was saved only for important client meetings. He wanked open the door and let himself out. One look outside and he immediately went back. Panting with fear, he once again repeated his unusual ritual. Stepping out again, he quickly hailed a cab. The driver seemed to have crab legs, literally, CRAB LEGS! "Don't look at me like you are going to eat me! I know I am tasty," snickered the driver. Sammy simply chose to say nothing with the fear of stuttering.
It took about 15 minutes by stairs, rarely used by employees to reach his oƥce. Right outside the door was Ada's desk - this time instead of Ada, there was a bear seated, ignoring the presence, he hurried in. He ordered no one to enter his oƥce, not even Ada. He simply talked to them on his telephone. It was hectic recovering from all the missed work, but it took his mind away from reality.
It took about 15 minutes by stairs, rarely used by employees to reach his oƥce. Right outside the door was Ada's desk - this time instead of Ada, there was a bear seated, ignoring the presence, he hurried in. He ordered no one to enter his oƥce, not even Ada. He simply talked to them on his telephone. It was hectic recovering from all the missed work, but it took his mind away from reality.
Ring...Ring...Ring...the landline rang loudly in the dead of morning. Who is calling me at four in the morning? thought Sammy. He clicked his tongue and hastily answered. "Mr. James! You better head to the clinic and book an appointment!" said Ada in a horrid voice. "I will do no such thing, Ada," replied Sammy. "B-but, Sammy! The new law states that citizens who have not yet turned into their true selves are given 24 hours to book an appointment. If not, then they will be in prison for the rest of their lives! Please, for the sake of God, call the clinic. I will give you the num-" Sammy cut off the line before Ada could finish, he was going to be jailed then so be it. He would rather be rotting in prison than turn into some alien-looking monster. about 3 seconds the time given by the government would be up and he would be detained. BANG... Sammy stood up and opened the door. Immediately he was knocked up by something hard, and he lost consciousness.
Waking up....he felt light and free...something he hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity. As he cleared his vision and looked around...he was in his house! He quickly stood up - well, tried to - and fell back. H-he didn't have legs anymore...he had a snake's tail...horrified he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He didn't know what to do..has this been a dream? W-wait the cops entered and...did they turn me into this? thought Sammy.
At this shocking revelation, he slithered his way to the landline with hard-earned stamina and called for Ada. "Hello? Ada! I have been turned into what seems to be a snake! What should I do? I thought I would be jailed!" cried Sammy.
"Well, I lied! I wanted you to book the appointment of your own will...I thought the idea of you going to prison would scare you! It was for the best...accept it, Sammy."
"I cannot hold a grudge towards you for this, Ada! It will take time for me to adjust." With that, Sammy ended the call. He would be thankful if this change had come with a manual. He laughed at this thought. He wondered if he could dance as the snakes did on the geography channel on his TV. He put on some music, poured himself some champagne, and started to dance... like a cobra would. He felt free and calm something-he hadn't felt in a long while.
Days later, he was back at his desk, working and enjoying the new feel. He had accepted this-this was who he was now. He just had to shed his skin to become who he truly was.